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Meningitis is the swelling of the meninges, which is the lining around the brain and spinal cord, caused mainly by bacteria entering the body.

Everybody’s brain and spinal cord sits within a protective lining known as the meninges.

The meninges themselves consist of three layers: Dura Mater, Arachnoid Mater and Pia Mater. The Arachnoid and Pia Maters are connected to each other by cobweb like strands and the space between the two (the subarachnoid space) is filled with Cerebro Spinal Fluid. This fluid has many functions, but is largely to aid with brain bouyancy (keeping the lower parts of the brain from being crushed by the weight of the brain), cushioning and chemical regulation.

When a pathogen enters this sterile environment it can begin to multiply and cause inflammation. This inflammation puts pressure on the brain which causes the symptoms of meningitis and can cause permanent damage.

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