Treating postmenopausal VA symptoms

Learning and support for the pharmacy team

Content developed by Novo Nordisk working together with CIG Healthcare Partnership.

Vaginal atrophy (VA) is a chronic, progressive condition that affects around 1 in 2 postmenopausal women.1,2
The following resources will help you and your team to support women seeking relief from uncomfortable symptoms and educate you about local vaginal oestrogen, which is available OTC.

Downloadable materials


Important resources for the whole pharmacy team.


Pharmacy Guide for the Supply of Gina

An important comprehensive resource that supports the reclassification to P legal status, to help ensure appropriate supply


Pharmacy Checklist

An optional checklist to support you during consultations with women requesting Gina


Pharmacy Team Training Guide

A downloadable training booklet for the pharmacy team to accompany the core e-learning modules





1. Nappi RE, Palacios S, Particco M, et al. The REVIVE (Real Women’s Views of Treatment Options for Menopausal Vaginal Changes) survey in Europe: Country-specific comparisons of postmenopausal women’s perceptions, experiences and needs. Maturitas 2016;91:81–90.

2. Panay N, Maamari R. Treatment of postmenopausal vaginal atrophy with 10-μg estradiol vaginal tablets. Menopause Int 2012;18(1):15–19.

Further information about this product, including essential supply information, adverse reactions, precautions, contraindications, and method of use can be found here.

Date of preparation: August 2023

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