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Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease impairs sleep quality, a new US study shows.
21 Aug 2023 , 2 Min Article
Following our two-part feature on supporting adults with type 1 diabetes, we turn the spotlight on new therapies for type 2 diabetes. Samina Ali, a diabetes care specialist pharmacist, starts this new series by considering glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists
16 Aug 2023 , 1 Min Article
Scenario: A young mum is anxious about her 18-month-old boy, who has been coughing violently and had some difficulty breathing the previous night. While things seem easier this morning, he is still coughing a lot and breathless as well. What do you advise?
16 Aug 2023 , 5 Min Module
The OTC topicals fixture offers a wide range of options, with hot, cold and NSAID products, and includes both licensed OTC medicines and drug-free options.
Opioid prescribing is declining– yet 5.4 million people in England received these drugs during 2020/21.1 There’s clearly still a long way to go as concerns grow about possible cancer risk associated with long-term use.
The module will help you to formulate the key points to discuss with a patient prescribed treatment for heart failure. You will also be able to describe how you might identify patients who may have undiagnosed heart failure or who may require changes to their treatment due to a deterioration in symptom control.
14 Aug 2023 , 20 Min Module
Initiating discussions
11 Aug 2023 , 10 Min Module
As a group, gastrointestinal (GI) disorders can present with symptoms that are often vague and overlapping, making it difficult to pinpoint the underlying cause. And now there are the after-effects of Covid to consider. How should pharmacy teams approach their conversations with patients when talking about these problems?
01 Aug 2023 , 10 Min Article
Improve you knowledge on migraine and considers how it can affect individuals differently.
17 Jul 2023 , 5 Min Module
Last month we looked at the management of type 1 diabetes in terms of symptoms and the types of insulin used. Here we turn our attention to disease complications and how pharmacists can support patients living with the condition.
15 Jul 2023 , 1 Min Article
This module covers topical treatments used in the management of glaucoma.
14 Jul 2023 , 20 Min Module
Living with anxiety
13 Jul 2023 , 10 Min Module
Helping pharmacists to identify red flag symptoms and clinical signs of serious disease. Subject: Sepsis.
26 Jun 2023 , 1 Min Article
It is important community pharmacy teams support those who suffer from migraine with both prevention and treatment advice.
20 Jun 2023 , 1 Min Article
Patients transferring from hospital to community settings are at increased risk of medication-related harm, something the Discharge Medicines Service aims to tackle head on.
This article provides a detailed overview of the management of type 1 diabetes to enable community pharmacists to support patients with the condition.