
Pharmacy First Toolkit: Acute sinusitis

The Pharmacy First service in England allows community pharmacy teams to complete episodes of care for seven common conditions. This toolkit provides an overview of the clinical pathway and PGDs used to deliver consultations for acute sinusitis plus essential information on the assessment, diagnosis and management of this common condition.

How to use this toolkit

This toolkit is designed to support community pharmacists and their teams to deliver the NHS Pharmacy First service in England (and similar schemes in the UK) for acute sinusitis in patients 12 years and over. It covers:

  • Clinical assessment and decision-making
  • Management of the condition
  • Communicating with patients regarding treatment decisions.

Drawing on the NICE Sinusitis (acute) antimicrobial prescribing guideline [NG79], this toolkit will support your decision-making regarding the provision of self-care advice and OTC medicines, and help identify the small number of occasions where antibiotics might be needed.

Compiled by Patrick Grice

Download the Toolkit PDF here.

The CPD module accompanying this toolkit can be downloaded here or by clicking on the link.


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