Pharmacy First educational support from NICE content provider

Health & NHS news

Pharmacy First educational support from NICE content provider

A suite of seven free e-learning courses supporting England’s Pharmacy First service has been developed by Agilio Software, the clinical content provider for the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).

Available on its iLearn platform, the courses are based on NICE’s Clinical Knowledge Summaries (CKS) and are aligned with NHS England’s clinical pathways and PGDs for the seven Pharmacy First common conditions: acute otitis media, impetigo, infected insect bites and stings, shingles, sinusitis, sore throat and uncomplicated urinary tract infections in women.

Each course includes a case study and multiple choice questions to test understanding with a certificate of completion.

Ross Ferguson, deputy editor of NICE CKS and lead pharmacist at Agilio Software, said: “We know that Pharmacy First is a huge opportunity for community pharmacy in England. An essential element in ensuring the success [of the service] is quality learning for pharmacists to ensure they are equipped with the knowledge to identify and appropriately manage these conditions in the pharmacy setting.”

We are confident that our free courses will complement other available resources to support the successful delivery of this new service, he added.

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